Delhi Fitness Club

“I’ve been with Kilo for gym #1 since November 2020 and gym #2 since April 2021. Between the two gyms we average 100 leads/mth simply through website traffic.”

Matt Temby
vault health and fitness e1664827565615

A look at Delhi Fitness Club first 18m with Kilo

saved in lead nuture
0 hrs
per month between both gyms
0 leads
vault 2
  • Vault Health & Fitness
  • Launched: Nov 2, 2020
  • Time to build website and CRM: 5 days
  • Template: MASON
  • Delhi Fitness Club
  • Launched: Nov 26, 2021
  • Time to build website and CRM: 5 days
  • Template: MASON

We asked Matt Temby, owner of Delhi Fitness Club what he thought about Kilo. Here’s what he had to say:

“Kilo changed the game after mentorship changed it first. Outside of mentorship, easily the best $ spent each month. Its truly a tool to grow your ROI and help you work towards freedom of time.”

So we asked Matt how much time he saved by switching to Kilo. He ran the numbers and said:

“533.33 hours or 22.22 days back to my life since November 2020 for leads alone, which barely scratches the surface of all the other tools and done for you resources. A massive reduction of headaches due to organization and decreased stress from having control of that [lead nuture] area of my businesses.”

delhi fitness

Matt Temby started using Kilo two years ago. Since then, he has rebranded and added a second gym location to the Kilo platform.

Both of Matt’s gyms are on the Mason template. Simple. direct, easy to navigate. These websites, while built on the same template, look completely different.

Our goal at Kilo is to make gym owners’ lives easier through software. Kilo is much more than a website provider. Our built-in CRM contains over 300 automations to nurture your leads.

Get back your time with Kilo. In Matt’s case, it was 22.22 days!

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