5 Quick Landing Page Fixes to Maximize Lead Gen on Facebook

Let’s set the scene: You’ve written amazing Facebook ads for your gym that are getting attention. But there’s a catch—you’re not getting as many clicks on your landing page as you’d like. Why?

Often, it’s the small things—like a few landing page rules—you might not be aware of.

But don’t worry. We’ve got you covered. We’ll show you how to refine your landing page strategy to boost those clicks and funnel more leads to your gym.

Let’s dive in.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a dedicated web page that comes into play after someone clicks on your ad. Its job is simple: to guide visitors to take one specific action that you’ve highlighted in your ad.

A landing page has several key functions:

  • Focuses on a single goal: It aligns with the ad that sent your visitors there.
  • Eliminates distractions: It provides a clear and direct route to your call to action (CTA) button.
  • Built for conversions: The layout and content makes it easy for visitors to do what you want them to do.

Take Orangetheory’s landing page as an example: it’s designed to quickly get visitors excited about a free 1-hour workout and nudges them towards signing up.

Orangetheory’s landing page example

Your Facebook ad’s landing page should mirror this approach and encourage visitors to share their contact information. To ensure every element on your page is working towards your ad campaign’s objective, there are some key strategies to employ.

Let’s explore the rules that will help you optimize your landing page for the best possible results.

5 Key Landing Page Rules for Better Facebook Ad Conversions

Here are 5 crucial rules to follow for a high-converting landing page:

1. Have Ultra-Clear Landing Pages

Your landing page should be like a highway billboard—in seconds, people should know exactly what you offer.

To make it effective:

  • Present your offer clearly. Avoid complexity and aim for instant understanding.
  • Prioritize addressing the problems your ideal client faces. Building value fast means solving their problems.
💡 Here’s a quick test: Show your landing page to a friend for five seconds, then ask them what you’re offering. If they can’t tell you, it needs improvement.

Consider these two offers:

  • The best gym community in Atlanta!
  • Get fit in just 90 minutes a week.

Which one would you immediately understand and choose?

2. Include All Essential Elements

Your landing page should feature these 5 elements to be effective:

  1. Headline: Clearly state the offer to create maximum value.
  2. Supporting Line: Provide a concise explanation of how the offer works. Even better if you include a touch of urgency.
  3. Media: Use a compelling image or video that resonates with your audience.
  4. Call to Action (CTA): Offer a direct and visible push to take action, typically through a clickable button.
  5. Social Proof: Highlight real testimonials from happy clients.

Remember, you have seconds to motivate a viewer to take action. Make sure each of these elements are immediately visible and designed to show the value of your offer.

Here is a great example from 360 Fitness Personal Training:

Great example of a landing page by 360 Fitness Personal Training
💡 You can include additional elements like features and benefits, FAQs, objection-handling copy, and more social proof AFTER the five critical elements mentioned above.

3. Simplify Contact Info

Your goal is to get valuable contact information from visitors like an email address or phone number. So when you’re setting up a form, less is more.

💡 Long and tedious forms can be a major turn-off. Avoid overwhelming your visitors with lengthy fields.

Ideally, keep your fields to a minimum so that it’s easy for visitors to complete. Ask for a:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone number

You can always gather more information as you nurture your leads, but initially, keep it simple to encourage them to progress quickly.

4. Use a Clear and Direct Call to Action

Clarity is key when it comes to your CTA. Be direct and ensure your visitors know the exact action you want them to take next. Your CTA should also be immediately visible, eliminating the need for visitors to search for it.

Here are some simple, yet effective examples:

  • Book a free consultation!
  • Get the free guide!
  • Claim your free class today!
  • Book your free intro today!
  • Schedule your personalized consultation today!

Learn More: Is This One Button Costing Your Gym Potential Clients?

5. Test Everything and Track Metrics

Nothing is more frustrating than clicking on an ad only to find broken links, expired offers, and old content. What’s worse, gym owners may not even realize they’re wasting their ad spend on these broken funnels.

Avoid these costly mistakes and optimize your landing page with the following practices:

1. Regularly test your funnel to identify and address problems.

  • Go through and click everything to ensure all elements work.
  • Schedule periodic tests to proactively prevent or catch potential issues.
💡 Consider these questions when testing your funnel:

Is your offer current?

Are all links working?

Are your forms capturing contact info?

Are staff members alerted about the conversion immediately?

Are promised assets supplied when the form is filled?

Is the contact info fed into your email list?

Are your lead nurturing automations triggered? And have they been updated to reflect the current offer?

2. Keep an eye on important metrics:

  • Monitor clicks on your Facebook ad to avoid unnecessary ad spend.
  • Track user behavior after clicking to identify weak points.
  • Use data to make informed adjustments and improve your conversion rates.

By testing and tracking metrics consistently, you’ll fine-tune your Facebook ad landing page for optimal performance.

Related: How to Build an Effective Lead Funnel for Your Gym

Get More Gym Members with Optimized Facebook Ad Landing Pages

If your Facebook ad campaign isn’t delivering the desired results, it might be your landing page that’s holding you back.

Take a moment to revisit your landing page while keeping our 5 essential rules in mind:

  1. Have ultra-clear landing pages
  2. Include all essential elements
  3. Simplify contact info
  4. Use a clear and direct call to action
  5. Test everything and track metrics

Implement any necessary adjustments to boost your gym’s conversion rate.

And if you’re looking for a shortcut to professionally designed landing pages that guarantee conversions, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today.

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